1. Eligibility: Attendees eligible to register for the event are WTN Members and Non Members.
  2. Payment Terms: Payment methods accepted are by Credit Card only, the registration fee base on Early Bird rate and Standard rate. The process for refunds and cancellations will be determine in the registration process.
  3. Code of Conduct: All attendee during the conference, must showed respect for others and the prohibition of harassment.
  4. Liability: Organizers will not be held responsible for any injuries or damages that may occur during the event.
  5. Intellectual Property: WTN is the ownership of the content presented at the conference and are prohibited to use the data without any written approval from WTN's organizer.
  6. Photography and Video recording: All photograph and video recording during the event are WTN property right and it is restricted to use of images without any permission from WTN's organizer.
  7. Marketing and Promotion: Organizers may use the attendee's name, image, and likeness for marketing and promotional purposes.
  8. Changes to the Event: Organizer have right to make any changes to the event, such as cancellations, rescheduling, and program modifications.
  9. Privacy Policy: All attendee information will be collected from the registration, and will be use and protected by WTN's organizer.
  10. Governing Law: The agreement is under Indonesian law between the attendee and the conference organizers.
  11. Accommodation: All booking hotel rooms must be through WTN 2023 Bali official website. All restrictions or cancellations policies determine on the accommodation registration form.
  12. Transportation: Free shuttle transportation arrangements will be provided during the conference between official hotel to the conference venue and the terms and conditions related to those arrangements are stated in the official accommodation reservation.
  13. Meals: Breakfast, coffee break and lunch arrangements will be provided during the conference.
  14. Tour itinerary: Tour itinerary, including the activities, destinations, and timing may find at the WTN's 2023 Bali website page.
  15. Tour guide: The tour guide are license tour guide.
  16. Tour Safety: All tours are handle by professional to ensure the safety of attendees during the tour.
  17. Tour cancellation: The process and terms for cancelling the tour, such as any penalties or fees are determine at Tour Program page at WTN 2023 Bali website.
  18. Insurance is provided for attendees during the tour.
  19. Passports and Visas: All requirements for attendees regarding passport and visa for travel may find at FAQ page.
  20. Health and fitness: All attendee who wish to be part on the tour must be in good health and fitness.